August 2, Day 127:
Work day to prep for summer school in THREE DAYS. We all went out to lunch today for one of my favorite meals…. soup curry with a pumpkin croquette. I also tried a kiwi lassi for the first time which is basically a fruit-milk-yogurt-drink and it was perfectly paired with the spicy hot curry YUM.
August 3, Day 128:
Work day to prep for summer school in TWO DAYS. Also busy studying for my Unit 3 testing.
August 4, Day 129:
An email from HR today informed us that Summer School is officially cancelled. A seventh wave of COVID is hitting Japan pretty hard and many of my coworkers have tested positive. Since there aren’t enough teachers/support staff to run the camps, they had to be cancelled. Sigh
August 5, Day 130:
Today I tested with the trainer to prepare for Unit 3 and I passed 14 out of 15 pieces! All in one session! Proud of my brain. It was a lot of memorizing. I’ll test the 15th piece on Monday.
August 6, Day 131:
Went to the second-hand store today. Found a shirt with a blue and green tiger. Thought it was cool so I bought it. I love t-shirts.
August 7, Day 132: TANABATA FESTIVAL
Every year, Sendai hosts what is called Tanabata Festival downtown. It’s the celebration of a semi-romantic folktale within the stars which left me feeling a bit confused, but the decorations were amazing! I went alone and didn’t stay long because of the threatening COVID presence in the city. I saw one of my sweet students downtown and his mother asked to take a photo. His father said he (the student) was very nervous to see me which made me laugh. I was so happy to see a familiar face!
August 8, Day 133:
Last night I made homemade pasta sauce and tortellini from ingredients my mom sent me in a package. Made for a delicious lunch today. Gotta give my Italian genes some recognition too!