Ah, Matsushima

An old poet named Basho visited Matsushima Bay and, upon seeing it’s beauty, was at a loss for words. He wrote a famous haiku and translated, it reads:

aaah! matsushima

Through translation, it breaks the 5-7-5 rule of a traditional haiku, but you get the idea. It’s unknown if this quote actually came from Basho, but his name is well-known, and he was known for his love of Matsushima, so most people give him the credit. When I visited Matsushima Bay yesterday, I understood exactly what the author was trying to say through this haiku (whoever he was). There are no words adequate enough to describe this place. I felt as though I was walking through a painting. Nancy and I saw, walked, and tasted our way through Matsushima and it was a perfect day.

Two years ago, when everyone was cooped up at home under COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, I watched a travel documentary called James May: Our Man in Japan. At this time, I had thoughts about moving to Japan, but no plans. Within the episodes, James May visits Sendai and Matsushima Bay. I knew I wanted to see it someday because it looked breathtaking even on a screen. I made a note in a journal about Matsushima Bay, saying it delivers one of the three most perfect views of the country. That was an accurate statement. Here are some photos from the day:

Matsushima Bay is only about 40 minutes away from Sendai by car, and I will be returning in the fall to witness the erethreal autumn leaves. Ah, Matsushima.


  1. Grandma & Grandpa

    Beautiful pictures! So envious that you are in such a beautiful place.

  2. Jordan

    Sakura Mochi is the prettiest food I’ve ever seen!

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